If you are coming to the show in costume that involves a weapon of any kind, you MUST read and understand our Peace Bonding policy. Sac Gamers Expo would appreciate all attendees to treat each other in a respectable and positive manner. We would like everyone to have a great time so please use common sense and be courteous when interacting with other guests, attendees, vendors, and staff. If you run into a situation that requires the assistance of Con Security, please take the matter to them immediately.
In order to provide a safe, secure, and pleasant family environment, these activities are not allowed during any Sac Gamers Expo Event:
All individuals whose actions violate these rules will be asked to stop such actions.
Sac Gamers Expo reserves the right to require anyone violating these rules of conduct to leave the event. Sac Gamers Expo may withdraw permission for a person or persons to re-enter the event if that person continues to violate these rules. Any violation of the rules of conduct which involve activities prohibited by law will result in notification of the proper authorities.
We ask that all media and photographers please follow a few rules: